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Recognize Verbal Abuse and Walk Away

We are all guilty of responding in anger and aggravation—not giving one another enough grace. But when someone consistently degrades you, calls you names, criticizes your appearance, diminishes your intellect, makes fun of you (i.e., not funny, but hurtful), and just all around talks bad to or about you, that’s called verbal abuse. You need to evict that person from your deepest parts of your heart and likely from your life.

You are worthy of being treated with respect and being celebrated for the things you bring to the table. If that’s not happening, end the relationship, or at least peacefully downgrade that person all the way to acquaintance (no privileges).

You will likely feel like lashing out, slashing tires, and telling everyone what a horrible person you think that person is. But it’s not fair to reduce someone to the worst thing they’ve ever done, and you don’t want to be that kind of person anyway.

Choose you—move on from the friendship or relationship and connect with people who will treat you right.

If you’re experiencing verbal abuse or violence, go to or call 800.799.7233.