Auntie Says...

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“I’m Not OK”

“It’s OK to say that you’re not doing great.
not OK to do nothing about it.”
- Auntie

When you’re not OK, being honest with yourself, and those around you who need to know, can be a very healthy choice for you. Pushing through to reach a goal or complete a task is one thing. Burying your feelings and ignoring your own needs and mental health is another.

When you realize you’re not doing OK, what’s next?

  1. Do something. — Do 1 or 2 things that usually lift your mood.

  2. Change your focus. — Take a minute to jot down 5 things you’re grateful for. Sometimes it’s helpful to go past the big ones (e.g., life, health, etc.) and highlight unique or smaller, simpler things that bring you joy, for which you are thankful, etc.

  3. Be proactive going forward. — Brainstorm 3 things you can do to overcome now and avoid this going forward. One of these things may be to ask for help from a friend or counselor and that’s OK.

If you’re suffering with sadness or hopelessness, or have thoughts of harming yourself, reach out to the Lifeline now - call or text 988 or click for Lifeline online chat. A trained counselor will help.